Starlight's All-In-One Recycling Facility Software

Starlight’s Recycling Facility Software
Tired of running around with a clipboard?
With Starlight, you can track, profile, invoice and report in real time as materials flow through your facility.
Materials are profiled and photographed by your team using a tablet as each truck arrives at the tipping floor. Customize your own material categories and list your own special fee items and nonconforming waste categories.

“We used to have to hand write notes on a clipboard to profile material, run with the clipboard back to the scale, and code in the material with no second chance to look. Now we get complete profiling that includes pictures in one shot. It saves us hours each day.” - Brock Hill, Premier Recycling
If you are running your own trucks, identify and track every inbound load from all job sites and other source locations automatically at the scale using the Starlight hauling application. Identify options for one-time or 3rd party fleet customer source locations inbound to your facility.
Get paid accurately. Customize pricing discretely for individual customers or groups of customers, individual materials, nonconforming waste, speicla waste or added services. Understand and manage your income while meeting all jurisdictional requirements for taxes, fees and reporting on the fly with no post process calculation required.
Starlight runs in the cloud in real time, resulting in calculations and summaries viewed and delivered to customers immediately.Raise the bar with Starlight’s Recycling Facility Software. Send haulers reports they need to meet environmental compliance mandates, municipal diversion requirements, or permit reporting for LEED projects. Landfill, diversion and recycling reporting can be sorted by any combination of variables such as:
- Job site origin
- Time frame
- Material types
- Destinations
- Haulers
Part of Starlight’s Complete System
Starlight’s Recycling Facility Software is available as a standalone system or part of the intelligent Starlight service for complete business management for waste haulers, recyclers, and municipalities. Starlight encompasses complete business operations, including but not limited to:

- Customer profiling and orders
- Invoicing and payments
- Dispatching
- Inventory management
- In-cab systems
- Mobile and web-based apps for customers
- Self-serve orders and payments
Starlight Software Solutions is an integrated suite of mobile and enterprise applications. We revolutionize the waste hauling and transportation industries with real-time, end-to-end operations, live connection to customers, and complete control of assets and management of the business process. Our recycling and roll-off dumpster software is designed to make your operations more efficient on every level. To learn more about Starlight, visit our website.
News and Resources from "The Bin".

What the Waste Industry Should Note From The Southwest AIRLINES Meltdown

3 Simple Steps to Avoid Trashing Customer Loyalty

Contractor App Video
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Increased productivity for your entire business.
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